The Finest Living
Experiences Anywhere
Planning Ahead
Today, people are living longer than any previous generation. While that means more time to do what you love with your family and friends, it also means that planning for the future is more important than ever before!
Studies show that residents of Life Plan Communities not only tend to have greater emotional, social, physical, intellectual, and vocational wellness, but they also live longer.
What is LPC?
It’s a vibrant residential community for active, independent 60+ adults that enjoy a variety of living options, services, amenities, and a continuum of care designed to address changing needs.
The Nonprofit Difference
Our distinguished, volunteer Board of Directors ensures that all revenue is used for the benefit of the community. There is no other agenda, no investors to satisfy, and no stock prices to worry about.
Financial Value
Even if you no longer have a mortgage, conventional homeownership still incurs costs without the benefits that Blue Skies of Texas offers. You’ll find that carefree living at its best is surprisingly affordable.
FAQs: Making the Move
You don’t have to figure out how to move by yourself! We pair you with a professional Senior Move Management company and a Blue Skies of Texas Relocation Specialist to help you every step of the way.
It’s kind of crazy, but you always hear retired people say
they’re busier in retirement than when they were working,
and it really turned out to be true!
We moved in and it was like, ‘Whoa!
This is where we belong. Everything’s here.’
We moved here to find the best of both worlds! Moving here while
still able to live independently, we have taken the hard task of
providing future care decisions as we age, off our children’s plate.
Our first reaction was that this looked like home.