Finance & Tech

Compare the Value of Your Home to Blue Skies of Texas

From the stellar amenities to the wealth of exciting activities and the accessibility of care, Blue Skies of Texas offers you a fantastic value and an exciting, engaging lifestyle. And when you compare this value to the cost of living in your house, it becomes clear exactly how much Blue Skies of Texas represents.

The cost of living at home

Living at home is by no means free. A lot of different costs and a lot of different types of costs come with staying in your current house. For one, there are the financial strains. Some financial strains are consistent, like property taxes, monthly mortgages and utilities. Other financial strains may be unpredictable. If you have to do unexpected repairs, if you need to put money toward landscaping or if you need to pay for home maintenance, all of these things add up.

Having to organize and plan home maintenance can be a pain. And doing the work yourself is an even bigger pain. As a result, these costs extend to your time and energy. What if you didn’t have to worry about these costs anymore? At Blue Skies of Texas, you won’t have these unexpected costs. Your monthly service fee covers all of these expenses, and you only have to spend your time on the things and people you love.

Services and amenities

The value of Blue Skies of Texas’ services and amenities is hard to overstate. For one, you can live a maintenance-free lifestyle. You will have no chores, no homecare and no landscaping. Your time is entirely your own to spend how you see fit. There is also stellar dining at Blue Skies of Texas, so you will have access to high-quality, nutrition-focused dining without having to go elsewhere or pay money outside of your monthly service fee.

One of the biggest values that Blue Skies of Texas offers is its care. As a CCRC, the community ensures that, should your needs ever change, you will have priority access to expert care right next door. And, depending on your contract, this cost can be highly reduced! This care guarantee saves you time and money, while also offering you peace of mind for the future.

An engaged and exciting community

Blue Skies of Texas is also full of fun, interesting people and a wide array of exciting activities abound. If you want to bike, you’ll find a very active biking club. If you’re interested in art, a number of art clubs are available where you can sharpen your skills and meet like-minded adults. Want to learn about woodworking? The woodshop always has skilled and friendly residents ready to show you the ropes. From yoga to the choir, meditation and poker, there is always something enriching to do and always delightful people to do it with.

Such an energized community offers a ton of value to your day-to-day life, allowing you to continue your own vibrant lifestyle while making new connections and friends along the way. If you’re interested in learning more about Blue Skies of Texas, call 866-553-5389 or click here to request a free information kit.